This is a John Maxwell Course conducted by certified and licensed John Maxwell Team member Ramylal Fernando, based on the book of the same title by leadership expert and award-winning and prolific author John Maxwell.


How can you reach your full potential? How can you get from where you are now to where you can be and achieve all you can? This course provides you a workable plan that will help you grow into an effective and fulfilled individual. You will be able to confront and correct misconceptions about growth. You will be able to detect growth blockers and identify 15 practical methods to individually grow and realise your full potential.


Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to;
  • Learn how to add value to themselves
  • Unlock their growth potential
  • Adopt practical aspects of personal discipline
  • Develop their own personal strategy for growth
  • Have a blueprint for successful and effective living
  • Know how to contribute to the growth of others around you


More Information
  • (Local Institution) MDIS - Management Development and Consultancy
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