James Cook University’s postgraduate programs in Clinical Psychology are designed to equip graduates with advanced academic and practical training for professional practice.


The postgraduate programs prepare graduates for enriching and fulfilling careers in psychology and provide a pathway for registration as a psychologist in Singapore and Australia.


The program in Singapore is an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited offshore program. You will benefit from training in state-of-the-art facilities.


The professional programs encompass 3 main components:

  • Academic Coursework
    The coursework modules are usually delivered as 6 full-day workshop format. Students are actively engaged in presentations, role-plays and group discussions.
  • Supervised Practica
    There is a total of 1,000 practica hours for the Masters program (students in the Doctoral program will complete an additional 500 hours), which are conducted in our on-campus Psychology Clinic and in external clinical settings.
  • The Research Thesis
    The master’s research thesis involves conducting a project focusing on an area of clinical psychology and writing it up as a conventional research dissertation or combination of a literature review and journal article. Students in the doctoral program conduct a project on an area of clinical psychology and write it up as a conventional research dissertation, which is equal to that of a PhD.


Note: This program is only available for Singapore citizens, Singapore PR or Dependant Pass Holders


Disclaimer: Please refer to the Psychology Board of Australia and Australian Psychological Society websites for recent updates on registration as a practicing psychologist in Australia


More Information
  • (Awarding University) James Cook University
  • (Local Institution) James Cook University
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