The Advanced Financial Reporting module builds upon the knowledge and skills studied in the Principles of Financial Reporting module. Upon successful completion of this module, Candidates will be able to demonstrate sound knowledge of and apply the Conceptual Framework and the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) to produce a complete set of financial statements for single entities and simple groups, including basic notes to the accounts. Candidates will also be able to explain and advise on the application of the SFRS, including the appropriate treatment and disclosure of hedge accounting, demonstrating appropriate professional judgment
- The importance of ethical behaviour in the context of Financial Reporting
- Apply the appropriate measurement and recognition criteria for the elements of the financial statements
- Demonstrate the appropriate treatment and disclosure relating to hedge accounting.
- Determine and account for the components of goodwill, identify related party transactions, and defend the need for full disclosure
- Prepare consolidated financial statements with subsidiaries and associates under a business combination, including basic notes to the accounts.
- Position the body of knowledge within the wider legal framework in Singapore and apply professional ethics.
More Information
- (Local Institution) London School of Business and Finance (LSBF)
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