The WSQ course for operational level workers will help workers in the manufacturing industry gain knowledge and application skills in applying 5S in the manufacturing industry such as housekeeping rules, self-discipline, and standards in the maintenance of a clean and tidy work area/ environment.
(a) Completed PSLE and are able to speak, read and write in basic English
(b) Participants with the following competency ratings from the Employability Skills System (ESS) are eligible:
- Listening/Speaking Min. Level 3
- Reading/Writing Min. Level 3
- Numeracy Min. Level 3
Course Outline
- SEIRI Clear unnecessary items from work area
- SEITON Organize work area in an orderly manner
- SEISO Clean work area
- SEIKETSU Maintain work area cleanliness
- SHITSUKE Maintain self-discipline in the work area
Certificate Obtained and Conferred by
Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
More Information
- NTUC LearningHub
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