This Capstone uses a data set from a real-world scenario. The data set is from April 2015 when a 7.8 magnitude earthquake with an epicenter in the Gorkha District of Nepal devastated the surrounding area. Using the provided data on buildings in the affected area and how they were impacted by the earthquake, we ask students to examine how the buildings' ages, sizes, and materials were correlated to the amount of damage they underwent during the quake. Students will be required to showcase the multiple skills they learned throughout the courses taken during the Data Analysis MPP. The Capstone is organized into three different areas for students to present their skills. The first area is for students to showcase their ability to analyze the data set by answering statistical multiple-choice questions using the statistical program of their choice. The second area is for students to create an analytic report that examines the data set and answers three questions. The third area is optional and is for students to showcase their skills using and creating a dashboard in Power BI. Note: It is recommend for students to complete all required courses in the Data Analysis MPP track before starting this capstone course.
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